The View From Here:
Gunfighter from The View From Here actually happened upon my blog via a comment that I'd left somewhere, though he never specified where. He's been a dear friend ever since. Not only that, but through his blog I've met many other dear friends! I love that he calls his blog "the view from here" because he really does have a different perspective on so many things, and I always love hearing his view.

The Verge:
Jennifer from The Verge is a recent acquisition to my blogroll. Finding her went like this: I saw a comment on Suburban Turmoil that really spoke to me, so I went to the blog where it had been left. On that blog, I saw a comment from Jennifer that caused me to click on over to her blog. And, oddly enough, I lurked there for a couple of weeks. Why I never said "hi" I don't know! It's very out of character for me! Eventually, though, I DID leave a comment and I've been commenting there ever since.

Unquiet Heart:
Sadly, I don't remember how I found Jessabean from Unquiet Heart. But what I DO remember is that at the very same moment I was commenting on her blog for the first time, she was commenting on my blog for the first time. Crazy, huh? I wish I could remember what sequence of events led me to her blog in the first place. Whatever they were, I'm so glad that I ended up there, and that she ended up here. I'm always inspired by what she has to say.