What is this?

Work at Home Mom Revolution:
I'm not sure how Lisa found me, but she commented on my blog one day and gently reprimanded me for not having an RSS feed to subscribe to. She was very kind about it, and it was just the kick in the pants I needed to get my feeds up and running. I've been a big fan of hers ever since, and reading her blog is gonna make me RICH, right???

Walking Kateastrophe:
Well, it's no secret that Kate is my nearest and dearest friend. She's stuck by my side (though, alas, only electronically by my side at this juncture) through thick and thin. She's actually the person who introduced me to blogging at all, and hers was the first blog I ever read and "followed" in any regular kind of way.

Virtual Sprite:
Now this is one that I can't for the life of me remember how I found--but I remember that I found her--likely through a comment on someone else's site. The first post of hers that I read was about trying to diagnose her son's almost certain diabetes, and the mess that she went through with the doctors and their total disinterest in what she saw as an obvious emergency. This caught my eye because I went through the EXACT SAME THING with Bubba a year ago!